It’s with great excitement that I can announce we are allowed back to our Sunday venue at the DMC Church, Mill Lane, Dorridge This will be starting from Sunday 16th August, class times will be 6.00 PM and 7.00 PM Sundays
We will only be allowed 15 Students to attend each hourly class so spaces and government guidelines can be followed. You will not be allowed to attend double classes.
To attend these classes you will have to obtain a booking slot (see booking form below).
Classes will cost £6.00 per person per slot, paid in advance by bank transfer (slot confirmed when payment made) once booked if you cancel no refund can be given.
(please note no family discount due to reduced class size)
If you wish classes can be booked 4 week blocks in advance to guarantee your slots.
Please wait in carpark to be allowed in. Also wait outside front of building for collection within a safe distance from each other.. Entry through side door as before, Exit via glass fire door at front of building.
On entry your temperature will be taken, if high you will be refused entry. Hand sanitiser will be available at entry and exit doors.(and must be used).
Parents are not allowed in the hall and must wait or collect from outside exit door. (as above) Kit:
Do not bring training bags into the training hall. Arrive dressed ready to take part in class, Those wishing to wear training shoes can do so but these must not be your regular outside shoes. (all outside shoes must be stored in corridor outside the hall along with any coats or jackets etc)
Drink bottles are allowed but must be marked with students name on.
I know there are lots of rules to follow but it’s a start of getting back to some kind of normal training and I want us to be as safe as possible until we are advised otherwise. It’s more important than ever that we have our licence up to date so check before booking remember no licence no training...
This still only allowing us to train once a week so for those who want more I am still running Zoom 1-2-1 lessons till we have all our venues back...
Please remember if you are showing any symptoms of Covid-19 please DO NOT attend stay away and call 111 for advice
A risk assessment is available for viewing, also a registration will be taken for Track and Trace purposes (please make sure your
contact details are up to date).
Stay Safe And Look Forward To Seeing You All Again Soon.
Master A Slater